Hello anyone and everyone taking the time out to read this blog. This is a blog I'm using to post my personal choices for what I feel is the best in theater, television and music. Think of my like all the high award shows but unlike the actually people who are supposed to reward to the best they never usually do.
To start out I've been rewarding all mediums for many years and throughout the postings of this blog I will post the previous winners and nominees I have done so you can see where I'm coming from when I talk about what I love.
With the 70th tony awards airing this coming Sunday night I will start with a few posts about what I feel is the best in Broadway for the 2015-2016 season.
P.S. If anyone has any questions about my film choices check out my blog Revisit a film year (http://revisitafilmyear.blogspot.ie/) where I post my choices for the best of cinema over many decades.