Dick Johnson Is Dead (Directed by Kirsten Johnson)
Disclosure (Directed by Sam Feder)
Miss Americana (Directed by Lana Wilson)
Rewind (Directed by (Sasha Neulinger)
Time (Directed by Garrett Bradley)
This is the first win and nomination for Garrett Bradley.
Having seen Time (2020) twice at this point in time I couldn't be more secure with my pick of it as the best documentary of this past year and a bit in cinema. The film contains many familiar tropes to documentary filmmaking but uses them in such different ways that you might expect. There are straight to camera interviews but they are in line with the use or archival footage throughout the film. For being a film primarily consisting of historical footage of the family at the films centre it is as impactful a document as you'd expect.
I must also praise the use of a previously created music in the film as it makes the film as smooth as it ended up being. You feel as if you are watching this film for barely any time yet getting to know the subjects so well that I can only sit here and say brava to those who had any hand in this film. In a year where there have been so many accomplished documentaries none were greater than Time.
I demand you all watch, at a quick 80 minute run time it's a nice viewing that will stick with you. (Also it's Oscar nominated so for the awards completists you must check it out)
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